30 Oct 2013

Metina Sims By Margeh75

Metina Sims for my friend Metens/Benji who is a very special friend to me :) Thanks so much for being such a supportive friend, and 

-skin:orange sims
-eye contacts- Martyp
-eyeshadow, blusher, lipgloss by me
-eyelashes : sclub prive
-awts septum sliders, and johna's bodysliders
-hair: skysims, newsea, nightcrawler 
-clothes by me


  1. WOOOOOOW, she looks so real!! As fresh as a ray of sunshine!!!! She is just PERFECT! xoxo

  2. Very beautiful new all your creations :) Sims very pretty and also so beautiful clothes ♥ Great job . Have a magical Halloween night dear Margie. Hugs

  3. She is a real beauty! I love the color and the shine of her hair! Elegance is stunning! My compliments :)

